The Thirty Years
17th century is widely regarded as a century of crisis. Immanuel
Wallerstein argued that the resulting crisis of the Thirty Years War (1618-1648)
was a product of a general economic contraction throughout Europe and that marked
the first world war of the capitalist world economy (Wallerstein, The Modern
World System II, 1980, p. 23). By the
end of the war the results of widespread battles, massacres of whole villages
and civilians, and the witchcraft hysteria and persecution of women denotes the
scale of the crisis.
One of the earliest novels of war was Hans von Grimmelshausen, The Adventurous Simplicissimus, 1668, written as a satiric but depressingly revelatory memoir of a common foot soldier. There is a short excerpt in the link to Chapter 9's Primary Sources in Wiesner Hanks.
One of the earliest novels of war was Hans von Grimmelshausen, The Adventurous Simplicissimus, 1668, written as a satiric but depressingly revelatory memoir of a common foot soldier. There is a short excerpt in the link to Chapter 9's Primary Sources in Wiesner Hanks.
political crisis is also marked by two political deaths of monarchs that
signify how the new European world and continental system had interwoven and how
dangerous these conflicts were. In 1610,
Henry IV, the tolerant Protestant King in a majority Catholic country had been
preparing for action against his Spanish rivals in the Rhineland and in
Italy. In May 1610 he prepared to
strike. He declared his queen Marie de
Medici, regent of France in his absence and had her crowned. Henry IV prepared to lead his army to the Rhine
River, but before he could leave Paris he was assassinated in his coach by Ravaillac
with a dagger. Ravaillac was in the pay
of Spain and had been paid off well in gold for his attempt. The powerful Duke
d’Olivares counted it as a blessing grace for the Habsburg Empire.
1. Gaspar Bouttats, Assassination of King Henry IV of
France by Francis Ravillace, May 14, 1610.
the early 17th century the Spanish continued to lose their influence
and holdings in the Flemish and Bohemian territories while the Dutch Republic
was on the ascendant. One may compare
the relative decline of the trading city of Antwerp in Belgium after 1599 with
the rise in importance of Amsterdam, the Hague and other Dutch cities. The two branches of the House of Habsburg
were united in action as they had never been in the reign of Phillip II of
Spain. The merging of two wars, the War of Bohemia and the War of the
Netherlands merged into the catastrophe The Thirty Years War which ultimately
led to the unraveling of Spanish hegemony and Habsburg dominance in Central
was caught in the middle between the conflicts in the Lower Countries (Holland,
and Flanders) and Central Europe. The
attempts at enforced Catholicization of its population threatened the German
Reformationists, who had benefitted in the 16th century from German
metal trades and rise of specialized banking families like the Fuggers.
rivalries over a share of the expanded world economic system were vast and
complex. The king of Denmark was also Duke
of Halstein and a, a prince who sought to dominate the Baltic and his empire
and control of secularized bishops. His ambition for the Baltic was challenged
by the King of Sweden.
major issues dominated European international politics.
French ambition to break the ring of Habsburg
territories surrounding their state
Preparations by Spain to
reconquer the United Provinces
sought a passage from her Northern Italian possessions through the Swiss valleys
down the Rhine. This posed a threat to France.
A vigourous French anti-Habsburg policy was postponed until the rise of
Cardinal Richelieu (d. 1642) The Dutch had won a respite by conclusion of a 12
year truce in 1609 but a renewal of hostilities was a threat. Before the expiration of the truce, a revolt
in Bohemia against Habsburg rule and Catholic domination broke out and
precipitated the series of wars known as the Thirty Years War. The German and
international situations made it possible for the war to spread from Bohemia to
Germany, and to involve England, Spain and the United Provicnes, Denmark,
Sweden, northern Italy and France. The pretense for the origins of the war on
religious grounds soon gave way to a territorial war to secure the rich grain
fields of Czechoslovakia and Poland.
is customary to divide the war into the following sections
Bohemian revolt and conquest of
the Palatinate, 1618-1623
Danish period, 1624-1629
Swedish period, 1630-1634
French period, 1635-1648
Negotiations leading to Peace of
Westphalia, 1644 to 1648
1526 the Habsburgs had ruled Bohemia and adjoining Moravia, Silesia and
Lusatia. These lands provided large
revenues from its grain production. Now,
Bohemia had been a region supportive of Protestantism, particularly since John
Hus. Lutheranism and Calvinism all found
support there. By 1609 the Protestants
won a temporary victory by forcing the ruling king and emperor Rudolf II to
grant the so-called Letter of Majesty.
This edict approved the Diet, and recognized liberty of worship to
members of the reformed Bohemian church and guaranteed the church properties
of both Protestants and Catholics. The Bohemian revolt began when Bohemian
deputies surged into the royal palace at Prague and hurled the unpopular
Slawata and Martinitz together with an inoffensive secretary from a window,
known as the Defenestration of Prague.
Contempoary prints show them being through out about 46 feet. They should have died from such a fall, but
through a series of snags and luck the three all survived, though maimed and
injured. They escaped and sought refuge
in nearby Catholic castles. Catholics proclaimed it a miracle saved by
angels. The rebels declared the three
were saved by falling on a heap of rubbish.
Soon an army of 16,000 men was approved to be raised. The revolt spread up toward the Palatinate
region on the upper reaches of the Rhine River.
Fig. 2. The Defenestrations of Prague, May 10, 1618.
of the aims of the Bohemian revolt was
the deposing of Ferdinand, the Elector Palatanite of Bohemia. Frederick exacerbated the situation by his
insistence and ended up transforming a rebellion in Bohemia into a German and
inevitably into an international war. In November 1620 Frederick lost the City
of Prague in the battle of white Hill, when he abandoned the city, never to
return. Despite the Spanish allied
Habsburg reconquest of Bohemia and the Palatinate the war spread.
the time of Philip IV’s succession in 1621, the Spanish government was bankrupt
and corrupt, with a ruinous taxation and fiscal policy. Nevertheless the policy of Coutn of Olivares,
Philip IV’s chief advisor continued Spanish policies of the Counter-Reformation
purges of heresy and spread of Habsburg hegemony. Campaigns in Alsace ended when
Heidelberg fell in Setpember 1622. The
conquest of Bohemia left Germany open and vulnerable.
of this affected King Christian IV of Denmark and King Gustavus Adolphus of
Sweden, who held rival claims for control of the rich Baltic timber and grain
trade which connected to the markets of the Lower Countries and England. Sweden’s superior military organization would
defeat Danish ambition. Adolphus had hired
a military general Albrecht von Waldstein, better known as Wallenstein. Wallenstein during the course of the war used
his military gains to become one of Europe’s biggest landowners. He was clearly recognizing the war as a
clearinghouse for control of the rich grain producing areas of Central Europe. His
fame arose from his role in the Bohemian Revolt. Military success enabled him to get credit with
bankers who loaned money for purchase of land including the confiscated estates
of the Bohemian nobility.
1632 Wallenstein and King Gustavus Adolphus had become opponents and Adolphus
was killed in the Battle of Lutzen by a musket shot. By this time France had entered into the
conflict and Wallenstein who was accused of complicity with the French was
consequences of the war were devastating. Historians estimate that one-quarter to
one-third of the population of the Habsburg Empire died during the war
(Wiesner-Hanks, 292). A series of
poignant and disturbing etchings of the war by Jacques Callot leave us with
visual evidence of the targeting of civilians as a new problem of modern
3. Pillaging and Burning of a Village by
Jacques Callot. Etching. 1633.
Peace of Westphalia: 1648
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